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Aspiration for Success and Apprehension of failure

sucess.jpgOnce a baby is delivered, the game begins : the nurturing to triumph over the complexity of infancy ,then followed by the teaching, couching and learning as  young grown-up transforms from dependent to independent individual.

From crèche to nursery and to grades/primary schools through university, children are totally   dependent or semi dependent adults to their parents and guardians until certain acceptable age in the society they live. Some communities or countries put their official adult age to eighteen ,nineteen or even twenty-one  years of age when individuals  are officially confirmed as adults.failure

Adults are granted certain privileges they were not given earlier than that  such ability to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and drive cars and even have sex as adults. Most also coincide with when the young adults can fend for themselves or move way from parents to live alone except in case of physical disabilities.

At the point these young adults officially begin to face life to make their own contributions, the tools most of them have about cold fact of life is that there is only one way to go: to make success and most of the stories they were told  from toddlers to  their young adults  years  both at home and in the school collaborate their world view :success and success and success and never process . If you ask any of them what will happen if they fail to achieve that aspiration, well, I don’t want you to see the fear that will appear on their face, all I know is that you will  give them nightmare for the wrong reasons.

In most societies, failures should never be discussed either in the family, school, with friends or any other place. In fact, there is a name given by various societies to those who have produced undesirable results in course of their lives such as losers, never do well and so on.

The reason is not farfetched from the way the media give the final great  results of discoveries and invention  as almost a single event .(never asked  scientists how many times they produced undesirable results in their experiments or how the opposite  undesirable results in their laboratories  accounted for  completely new substances that go on to solves many societal problems),

If someone is lucky (get the right results sought) he/she becomes successful and finally reveal the final result to the public and media , often hiding many embarrassing moments before the final result was correct. Nobody is encouraged to try the other failed attempts to know if there is something that can come out from them.

Here lies the trouble, the same successful people are still living in fear and can then do anything to sustain their  successes  at all cost because they are aware of   the truth about life that every success is a probability  and the society  will find it very hard to believe that same persons  can still fail again and again. Sometimes when a person  who have been wildly successful at one venture is hired as an  expert in another venture, fails to replicate the success again.

This scenario is playing itself out as we observe today that by disrupting innovation, some technologies are being rendered obsolete within weeks, months and years after they debut unlike before now. Today we are watch in horror as the jobs disappear in the markets as thousands of food chains and banking, air lines jobs are being replaced by robotics and therefore, will leave many well-educated and trained employees in those fields  become  unemployed  daily due to layoffs without any knowledge of what to do .

Therefore, change in ways we learn is paramount as we should start telling and teaching ourselves and especially our young ones that failure is a probability and a possibility as well as success. We should educate them to be confident and have courage to investigate what is termed failure because there are countless ways it could have gone and each a possibility could unlock something deep and special ,therefore, can unleash their entrepreneurial potentials to climb to new heights.

If we study  failures and  develop the ability to unravel them, we will  became like great scientists and inventors like Thomas Edison and  Nikola Tesla who will always go back and find why they failed and return to  repeat the same experiment over and over  varying  some conditions and holding others constant until they were  able to produce something new , original and tangible . This can happen both in creation or production of goods, new management styles, leadership to marketing and even online businesses.

Even when we eventually become successful in the short term, we should always return to give our strength to new discoveries like good musicians who are on top of the chart and know that new songs can be released at any moment that may knock out their music from the top of the chart. So they still spent their time wisely writing and composing more songs to launch them back to the top each they slip from the top of the chart.

15 thoughts on “Aspiration for Success and Apprehension of failure”

    1. Thank you Sir for finding time to read, really, you amaze me. I was a novice in blogging but you showed me kindness , support and increased my confidence. You are a friend with a helping hand always by the side i will never forget and as for you , please continue to do good and never stop.The world needs shinning stars to dot the black skies and you have a quiver filled with kindness you shoot in different directions . Have a successful week Sir

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I suppose I am somewhat successful in that I have a job and am able to provide for my husband and myself. He is disabled and even though he draws disability, it is very hard for me to carry the burden of being the person to make most of the money and keep insurance coverage etc. I want to be a writer but most people don’t listen to what I have to say. Thanks for writing, and for letting us know there is hope after all.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thank you for sharing your personal story that is a great writing itself because you are very natural and have even inspired me by your work towards uplifting your partner. you are an angel to do that as for writing please keep on doing that from your mind you never can tell who it wail touch and can even lead to a best seller

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your Words are very inspiring. They are filled with jest and warmth. I suppose you will be able to reach a greater audience with your Work!

    Liked by 2 people

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